
作者: 时间:2025-01-03 点击数:

1. Zheng HH , Yang F, Xiong TZ , Adekoya D, Huang YC , Balogun MSJT. Polypyrrole Hollow Microspheres with Boosted Hydrophilic Properties for Enhanced Hydrogen Evolution Water Dissociation Kinetics. ACS APPLIED MATERIALS INTERFACES. 2020, 12 (51): 57093-57101.

2. Pan SX , Xie TZ , Xiao TF, Xie JH. Extensive removal of thallium by graphene oxide functionalized with aza-crown ether. RSC ADVANCES. 2020,10 (72): 44470-44480.

3. Wang Y, Ye F, Wu SJ, Wu JP ,Yan J, Xu K, Hong YG. Biogeographic pattern of bacterioplanktonic community and potential function in the Yangtze River: Roles of abundant and rare taxa. SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT. 2020,747:141335.

4. Zhong X, Chen ZW, Li, YY, Ding KB , Liu WS , Liu Y, Yuan YQ , Zhang MY , Baker AJM, Yang WJ, Fei  YH, Wang YJ, Chao YQ, Qiu RL. Factors influencing heavy metal availability and risk assessment of soils at typical metal mines in Eastern China. JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS.2020,400:123289.

5. Zhao YP, Cui JL, Chan TS, Chen YH, Li XD. Mechanistic insight into the interactions of EDDS with copper in the rhizosphere of polluted soils. Environmental Pollution.2020,267:115453.

6. Jiang JF , Wu PW, Sun YM, Guo YF, Song B, Huang Y, Xing T, Li LH. Comparison of microbial communities during anaerobic digestion of kitchen waste: Effect of substrate sources and temperatures. BIORESOURCE TECHNOLOGY.2020,317:124016.

7. Huang, Y, Su MH, Zhou Y , Chen DY, Xu ZP, Zhang HG , Liao CZ. LiCl-CN nanotubes ceramic films with highly efficient visible light - Driven photocatalytic active for bisphenol A degradation and efficient regeneration process. Ceramics International.2020,46(17): 26492-26501.

8. Fang SY, Liu YY , He JH , Zhang LQ , Liyin ZX, Wu XY, Sun H, Lai JP .Determination of aldehydes in water samples by coupling magnetism-reinforced molecular imprinting monolith microextraction and non-aqueous capillary electrophoresis. Journal of Chromatography A.2020,1632:461602.

9. Sun CW, Song G, Chen LL, Ren XM, Chen CL. Three dimensional flower-like magnetic polyethyleneimine@MoS2 composites for highly efficient removal of Cr(VI) and Pb(II) ions. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science.2020, 580:550-560.

10. Wei XD, Zhou YT , Jiang YJ , Tsang DCW , Zhang CS, Liu J, Zhou YC, Yin ML, Wang J , Shen NP , Xiao TF, Chen YH. Health risks of metal ( loid ) s in maize ( Zea mays L .) in an artisanal zinc smelting zone and source fingerprinting by lead isotope. SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT.2020,742:140321.

11. He ZJ , Mahmud S, Yang Y, Zhu LJ, Zhao YB, Zeng QY, Xiong Z, Zhao SF. Polyvinylidene fluoride membrane functionalized with zero valent iron for highly efficient degradation of organic contaminants. SEPARATION AND PURIFICATION TECHNOLOGY.2020,250: 117266.

12. Wei LZ, Qiu ZJ ,Zhou GY, Zuecco G , Liu Y, Wu ZF. Rainfall interception recovery in a subtropical forest damaged by the great 2008 ice and snow storm in southern China. Journal of Hydrology.2020,590:1252352.

13. Mahmud S Wang JG Shao N Xiong Z ,Zhang RYZhu J. Nucleation and crystallization of poly(propylene 2,5-furan dicarboxylate) by direct blending of microcrystalline cellulose: improved tensile and barrier properties. Cellulose. 2020,27(16):9423-9436.

14. Yao Y, Wang MY , Zhang P , Wang XL, Huang XX ,Liu W , Wang ZC, Yang RQ. Different responses in metallothionein gene expression and antioxidative enzyme activity lead to more ROS accumulation in rice exposed to Tl(Ⅲ) than to Tl(Ⅰ).Chemosphere.2020,259:127258.

15. Xu R, Sun XX , Lin HZ, Han F, Xiao EZ, Li BQ, Qiu L, Song BR, Yang ZH, Sun WM. Microbial adaptation in vertical soil profiles contaminated by an antimony smelting plant. FEMS MICROBIOLOGY ECOLOGY.2020,96(11): fiaa188.

16. Arulmani SRB, Ganamuthu HL, Ashokkumar V , Govindarajan G, Kandasamy S , Zhang HG. Biofilm formation and electrochemical metabolic activity of Ochrobactrum Sp JSRB-1 and Cupriavidus Sp JSRB-2 for energy production. Environmental Technology & Innovation. 2020, 20:101145.

17. Yan J, Wen HJ, Li QQ,Wang SJ , Xie JH, Chen MP, Li JY ,Chang XY, Zhang HG, Hong YG. Enhanced elemental sulfur recovery and nitrogen removal through coupling of sulfide-dependent denitrification and anammox processes during ammonium- and sulfide-laden waste stream treatment. International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation. 2020,155:105086.

18. Su MH, Liu ZQ, Yuvaraja G, Ou T, Huang Y, Hu XT, Chen DY. The influence of particle size and natural organic matter on U(VI) retention by natural sand: Parameterization and mechanism study. Science of The Total Environment.2020, 741:140292.

19. Li YN, Jiang YP, Zhang QJ , Zhao YW, Zhang L ,Song G, Huang KL,Yao ZY. Rapid and visual detection of folic acid via supramolecular recognition with a perylene bisimide probe in aqueous media. Talanta.2020, 219:121222.

20. Su MH, Xu RB, Chen ZB , Tang JF, Ji C, Yang ML, Liu YH, Zhang HG,Chen DY. Heterostructured Bi2O2CO3/rGO/PDA photocatalysts with superior activity for organic pollutant degradation: Structural characterization, reaction mechanism and economic assessment. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety.2020, 204:111112.

21. Wang J , Fang F, Zhou YC, Yin ML , Liu J, Wang JW , Wu Y , Beiyuan JZ ,Chen DY. Facile modification of graphene oxide and its application for the aqueous uranyl ion sequestration: Insights on the mechanism.Chemosphere.2020, 258:127152.

22. Liu J, Zhou YC, She JY, Tsang DCW, Lippold H, Wang J, Jiang YJ, Wei XD, Yuan WH, Luo XW, Zhai SJ, Song L. Quantitative isotopic fingerprinting of thallium associated with potentially toxic elements (PTEs) in fluvial sediment cores with multiple anthropogenic sources. Environmental Pollution.2020,266(Pt 3):115252.

23. Jin P, Hutchins DA, Gao KS. The Impacts of Ocean Acidification on Marine Food Quality and Its Potential Food Chain Consequences. FRONTIERS IN MARINE SCIENCE.2020.543979.

24. Li Y, Liu KL, Zhang JN, Yang JD, Huang YC, Tong YX. Engineering the Band-Edge of Fe2O3/ZnO Nanoplates via Separate Dual Cation Incorporation for Efficient Photocatalytic Performance. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. 2020, 59(42):18865-18872.

25. Wan NN, Zhuo CY, Qiao L Gong J, Yang Y, Ran Y. Relationship between historical changes of PBDEs, PAHs, and algal organic matter in sediments of Poyang Lake under climate warming. Human and Ecological Risk Assessment. 2020,26(9): 2390-2406.

26. Zhang L, Zhao YW, Wu YW, Jiang YP, Wang QW, Lin XY, Song G, Huang KL, Yao ZY. An efficient approach for rapid detection of polymyxins B based on the optically active supramolecular aggregates of water-soluble perylene diimide. Sensors and Actuators.2020,321:128594.

27. Guo XL, Kong LJ, Ruan Y, Diao ZH, Shih KM, Su MH, Hou LA,Chen DY. Green and Facile Synthesis of Cobalt-Based Metal-Organic Frameworks for the Efficient Removal of Congo Red from Aqueous Solution. JOURNAL OF COLLOID AND INTERFACE SCIENCE.2020,578:500-509.

28. Wang J, She JY, Zhou YC, Tsang DCW, Beiyuan J, Xiao TF,Dong XJ, Chen YH , Liu J, Tin ML,Wang LL.Microbial insights into the biogeochemical features of thallium occurrence: A case study from polluted river sediments.Science of The Total Environment. 2020, 739:139957.

29. XiongZ,He ZJ , Mahmud S,Yang Y ,Zhou L, Hu C , Zhao SF. Simple Amphoteric Charge Strategy to Reinforce Superhydrophilic Polyvinylidene Fluoride Membrane for Highly Efficient Separation of Various Surfactant-Stabilized Oil-in-Water Emulsions. ACS Applied Materials And Interfaces. 2020,12(41):47018-47028.

30. Yan J, Wang SJ, Wu LY, Li SG, Li HS, Wang Y, Wu JP, Zhang HG, Honh YG. Long-term ammonia gas biofiltration through simultaneous nitrification, anammox and denitrification process with limited N2O emission and negligible leachate production. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2020,270:122406.

31. Zhong Y, Mahmud S, He ZJ, Yang Y, Zhang Z, Guo F, Chen ZH, Xiong Z, Zhao YB. Graphene oxide modified membrane for highly efficient wastewater treatment by dynamic combination of nanofiltration and catalysis. JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS. 2020,397:122774.

32. Cai M, Ye F, Wu JP, Wu QH, Wang Y, Hong YG. Bias of marker genes in PCR of anammox bacteria in natural habitats. PLoS ONE.2020, 15(10):0239736.

33. Jin P, Gonzàlez G, Agustí S. Long term exposure to increasing temperature can offset predicted losses in marine food quality (fatty acids) caused by ocean warming. Evolutionary Applications.2020,13(9): 2497-2506.

34. Wu LQ, Fu SM, Wang XH, Chang XY. Mapping of atmospheric heavy metal deposition in Guangzhou city, southern China using archived bryophytes. ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION.2020,265:114998.

35. Li N, Zhou YC, Liu J, Tsang DCW, Wang J, She JY, Zhou YT, Yin ML, Chen ZR, Chen DY. Persistent thallium contamination in river sediments, source apportionment and environmental implications.Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety.2020, 202:110874.

36. Liu Y, Zhong X, Huot H, Liu WS, Liu C, Guo MN, Li YY, Fei YH, Chao YQ, Wang SZ,Tang YT, Qiu RL.Reclamation with organic amendments and plants remodels the diversity and structure of bacterial community in ion-adsorption rare earth element mine tailings. Journal of Soils and Sediments.2020,20(10): 3669-3680.

37. Zhong QH, Zhou YC, Tsang DCW,Liu J,Yang X, Yin ML, Wu SJ ,Wang J, Xiao TF, Zhang ZF.Cadmium isotopes as tracers in environmental studies: A review. Science of The Total Environment. 2020, 736:139585.

38. Zhang X, Liang J, Sun Y, Zhang F, Li C, Hu C, Lyu L. Mesoporous reduction state cobalt species-doped silica nanospheres: An efficient Fenton-like catalyst for dual-pathway degradation of organic pollutants. Journal of colloid and interface science. 2020, 576: 59-67.

39. Zhang L., Sun Y., Jiang Y., Li Y., Song G., Huang K., Yao Z. Visual sensing of picric acid in 100% aqueous media based on supramolecular polythiophene assemblies with colorimetric and fluorescent dual response. Chinese Chemical Letters. 2020, 31(9): 2428-2432.

40. Zhang G., Luo J., Wang L., Zhang X. Polyvinyl alcohol-stabilized granular Fe–Mn binary oxide as an effective adsorbent for simultaneous removal of arsenate and arsenite. Environmental Technology. 2020,41(20): 2564-2574.

41. Chen Y., Cui Y., Song S., Fu S., Zhang L., Sun W., Xiao T. Late Cambrian tonalite-trondhjemite association in the eastern segment of North Qilian suture zone: petrogenesis and geodynamic implications. International Geology Review. 2020, 64(10): 1431-1449.

42. Tong L , Xiong Z , Shen YX, Peng YG, Huang XY , Ye L, Tang M ,Cai FY, Zheng HR, Xu JB , Cheng GJ ,Zhu XF. An acoustic meta‐skin insulator. Advanced Materials. 2020,32(37): 2002251.

43. Mehmood S., Ahmed W., Ikram M., Imtiaz M., Mahmood S., Tu S., Chen D. Chitosan modified biochar increases soybean (Glycine max L.) resistance to salt-stress by augmenting root morphology, antioxidant defense mechanisms and the expression of stress-responsive genes. Plants. 2020,9(9): 1173.

44. Liu LR , Luo DG, Wei LZ , Liu Y, Huang SB, Huang LT, Xie ZY , Xiao TF ,Huang XX , Wu QH. Effects of metal stabilizers on soil hydraulic characteristics and mobility of cadmium. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 2020,27: 33712-33722.

45. Su RK , Xie CY, Alhassan SI, Huang SH, Chen RH , Xiang SY , Wang ZX , Huan L. Oxygen reduction reaction in the field of water environment for application of nanomaterials. Nanomaterials. 2020,10(9): 1719.

46. Cheng H., Zhao Y., Xu H., Hu Y., Zhang L., Song G., Yao Z. Rapid and visual detection of protamine based on ionic self-assembly of a water soluble perylene diimide derivative. Dyes and Pigments. 2020,180: 108456.

47. Zhu K., Song G., Ren X., Chen C. Solvent-free engineering of Fe0/Fe3C nanoparticles encased in nitrogen-doped carbon nanoshell materials for highly efficient removal of uranyl ions from acidic solution. Journal of colloid and interface science. 2020,575: 16-23.

48. Ma Y., Cheng X., Kang M., Yang G., Yin M., Wang J., Gang S. Factors influencing the reduction of U (VI) by magnetite. Chemosphere. 2020,254: 126855.

49. Liu FL ,Li HS,Liao DD , Xu YH, Yu MX,Deng SW, Zhang GS, Xiao TF , Long JY , Zhang HG, Li YT, Li KK , Zhang P. Carbon quantum dots derived from the extracellular polymeric substance of anaerobic ammonium oxidation granular sludge for detection of trace Mn (vii) and Cr (vi). RSC advances. 2020,10(53): 32249-32258.

50. Zhong KQ, Wang Y , Wu QK, You HH , Zhang HG , Su MH, Liang RY, Zuo JL , Yang SR , Tang JF. Highly conductive skeleton Graphitic-C3N4 assisted Fe-based metal-organic frameworks derived porous bimetallic carbon nanofiber for enhanced oxygen-reduction performance in microbial fuel cells. Journal of Power Sources. 2020,467: 228313.

51. Adewumi A J., Laniyan T A., Xiao T., Liu Y., Ning, Z. Exposure of children to heavy metals from artisanal gold mining in Nigeria: Evidences from bio-monitoring of hairs and nails. Acta geochimica. 2020,39: 451-470.

52. Liu ZN, Tam NFY, Kuo DTF, Wu QH ,Du YM , Shi YF, Kong DG, Zhang YC, Li HY , Hu XD. Removal, seasonal variation, and environmental impact of parabens in a municipal wastewater treatment facility in Guangzhou, China. Environmental Science and Pollution Research.2020,27: 28006-28015.

53. Zhang HX, Li CW, Lyu L, Hu C. Surface oxygen vacancy inducing peroxymonosulfate activation through electron donation of pollutants over cobalt-zinc ferrite for water purification. Applied Catalysis B-Environmental .2020, 270: 118874.

54. Huang H., Wang J., Yao R., Bostick B C., Prommer H., Liu X., Sun J. Effects of divalent heavy metal cations on the synthesis and characteristics of magnetite. Chemical Geology.2020,547: 119669.

55. Du YM , Wu QH , Kong DG, Shi YF, Huang XX , Luo DG , Chen ZX ,Xiao TF , Leung JYS. Accumulation and translocation of heavy metals in water hyacinth: Maximising the use of green resources to remediate sites impacted by e-waste recycling activities. Ecological Indicators.2020, 115: 106384.

56. Chen P, Zhong Y , Chen KC , Guo CS , Gong J , Wang DD , Yang Y , Ma ST, Yu YX. The impact of discharge reduction activities on the occurrence of contaminants of emerging concern in surface water from the Pearl River. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 2020,27: 30378-30389.

57. Yang J., Chan K M., Gong J. Seasonal variation and the distribution of endocrine-disrupting chemicals in various matrices affected by algae in the eutrophic water environment of the pearl river delta, China. Environmental Pollution. 2020,263: 114462.

58. Tang J., Su M., Wei L., Wei Y., Liang J., Liu Y., Luo Y. Comprehensive evaluation of the effectiveness on metals recovery and decontamination from MSWI fly ash by an integrating hydrometallurgical process in Guangzhou. Science of the Total Environment. 2020,728: 138809.

59. Liu Y., Wang P., Ruan H., Wang T., Yu J., Cheng Y., Kulmatov R. Sustainable use of groundwater resources in the transboundary aquifers of the five Central Asian countries: challenges and perspectives. Water.2020, 12(8): 2101.

60. Shi Q., Su M., Yuvaraja G., Tang J., Kong L., Chen D. Development of highly efficient bundle-like hydroxyapatite towards abatement of aqueous U (VI) ions: Mechanism and economic assessment. Journal of hazardous materials.2020, 394: 122550.

61. Yan J, Liu J , Ye WZ, Yuan WH , Lin JL, Xie JH, Huang X, Xie JH , Bao M , Yang JB, Liu SN, Chen WZ , Chen YH, Zhang HG. Enhanced organic compounds utilization and desalination of coal-fired power plant FGD wastewater by mixed bacterial sulphate reducing consortium. Biochemical engineering journal. 2020,159: 107549.

62. Xie J. Health risk-oriented source apportionment of PM2. 5-associated trace metals. Environmental Pollution.2020, 262:114655.

63. JohnPaul A A., Ayodeji L T., Tangfu X., Ning Z., Liu Y. Toxicity, uptake, potential ecological and health risks of Thallium (Tl) in environmental media around selected artisanal mining sites in Nigeria. International journal of environmental analytical chemistry. 2020,102(17): 5391-5412.

64. Luo C., Routh J., Dario M., Sarkar S., Wei L., Luo D., Liu Y. Distribution and mobilization of heavy metals at an acid mine drainage affected region in South China, a post-remediation study. Science of the Total Environment. 2020,724: 138122.

65. Zhang G., Liu Y., Wang J., Li H. Efficient arsenic (III) removal from aqueous solution by a novel nanostructured iron-copper-manganese trimetal oxide. Journal of Molecular Liquids,.2020,309: 112993.

66. Liu Z., Yung M M., Kuo D T., Wu Q., Hu X., Wei C., Xu G. Occurrence, seasonal variation, and environmental impact of phthalic acid esters in a large wastewater treatment plant located in Guangzhou, China. Desalination and Water Treatment,.2020,192: 127-135.

67. Ma L., Xiao T., Ning Z., Liu Y., Chen H., Peng J. Pollution and health risk assessment of toxic metal (loid) s in soils under different land use in sulphide mineralized areas. Science of The Total Environment. 2020,724: 138176.

68. Yin M., Tsang D C., Sun J., Wang J., Shang J., Fang F., Chen, D. Critical insight and indication on particle size effects towards uranium release from uranium mill tailings: Geochemical and mineralogical aspects. Chemosphere. 2020,250: 126315.

69. Li H., Wu X., Chen T., Jiang X., Ren C. Molecular characterization, inducible expression and functional analysis of an IKKβ from the tropical sea cucumber Holothuria leucospilota. Fish & shellfish immunology,.2020,104: 622-632.

70. Wang J, Jiang YJ, Sun J, She JY, Yin ML, Fang F, Xiao TF, Song G, Liu J. Geochemical transfer of cadmium in river sediments near a lead-zinc smelter. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. 2020, 196: 110529.

71. Zhang L., Li S., Sun Y., Xiao K., Song G., Lu P., Yao Z. Self-assembly of flavin mononucleotide and a cationic polythiophene in aqueous media: spectroscopic studies and sensing applications. Polymer Chemistry. 2020,11(22): 3762-3767.

72. Zhou Y., Wang L., Xiao T., Chen Y., Beiyuan J., She J., Wang J. Legacy of multiple heavy metal (loid) s contamination and ecological risks in farmland soils from a historical artisanal zinc smelting area. Science of the Total Environment. 2020,720: 137541.

73. Xu R., Li B., Xiao E., Young L Y., Sun X., Kong T., Sun W. Uncovering microbial responses to sharp geochemical gradients in a terrace contaminated by acid mine drainage. Environmental Pollution. 2020,261: 114226.

74. Zhao YP, Wu R, Cui JL, Gan SC, Pan JC, Guo PR. Improvement of water quality in the Pearl River Estuary, China: a long-term (2008-2017) case study of temporal-spatial variation, source identification and ecological risk of heavy metals in surface water of Guangzhou. Environmental Science and Pollution Research .2020, 27: 21084-21097.

75. Chen P., Ma Y., Kang M., Shang C., Song Y., Xu F., Yang Y. The redox behavior of uranium on Beishan granite: Effect of Fe2+ and Fe3+ content. Journal of environmental radioactivity. 2020,217: 106208.

76. Liu J., Ren J., Zhou Y., Tsang D. C., Lin J., Yuan W., Chen, Y. Effects and mechanisms of mineral amendment on thallium mobility in highly contaminated soils. Journal of environmental management. 2020,262: 110251.

77. Wang NN, Su ZB, Deng NR, Qiu YY, Ma L, Wang JQ, Chen YX, Hu KM, Huang CJ, Xiao TF. Removal of thallium(I) from aqueous solutions using titanate nanomaterials: The performance and the influence of morphology. Science of the Total Environment .2020, 717: 137090.

78. Xu H., Xiao K., Zhang Q., Huang K., Song G., Yao Z. Rapid and visual detection of bipyridylium herbicides based on polyelectrolyte-induced nanoassemblies of pyrenyl probes. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering. 2020,8(17), 6861-6867.

79. Sun W., Sun X., Li B., Xu R., Young L. Y. Dong, Y. Wang Q. Bacterial response to sharp geochemical gradients caused by acid mine drainage intrusion in a terrace: relevance of C, N, and S cycling and metal resistance. Environment international. 2020,138, 105601.

80. Liu W, Yu XZ, Lei SY, Yang L, Lin YJ. Assessment of ammonium fertilization as a stimulus for proline accumulation in Oryza sativa L. during cyanide assimilation. International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology .2020, 17 (5): 2811-2818.

81. Shi YF, Zhang Y, Du YM, Kong DG, Wu QH, Hong YG, Wang Y, Tam NFY, Leung JYS. Occurrence, composition and biological risk of organophosphate esters (OPEs) in water of the Pearl River Estuary, South China. Environmental Science and Pollution Research .2020, 27: 14852-14862.

82. Liu X., Wu J., Hong Y., Jiao L., Li Y., Wang L., Chang, X. Nitrogen loss by nirS-type denitrifying bacterial communities in eutrophic coastal sediments. International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation. 2020,150: 104955.

83. Li H., Lin M., Xiao T., Long J., Liu F., Li Y., Zhang G. Highly efficient removal of thallium (I) from wastewater via hypochlorite catalytic oxidation coupled with adsorption by hydrochar coated nickel ferrite composite. Journal of hazardous materials. 2020,388: 122016.

84. Wei X., Zhou Y., Tsang D. C., Song L., Zhang C., Yin M., Wang J. Hyperaccumulation and transport mechanism of thallium and arsenic in brake ferns (Pteris vittata L.): A case study from mining area. Journal of hazardous materials. 2020,388: 121756.

85. Xu R, Sun XX, Han F, Li BQ, Xiao EZ, Xiao TF, Yang ZH, Sun WM. Impacts of antimony and arsenic co-contamination on the river sedimentary microbial community in an antimony-contaminated river. Science of the Total Environment .2020, 713: 136451.

86. Wei LZ, Qiu ZJ, Zhou GY, Kinouchi T, Liu Y. Stormflow threshold behaviour in a subtropical mountainous headwater catchment during forest recovery period. Hydrological Processes .2020, 34(8):1728-1740.

87. Yuvaraja G, Su MH, Chen D-Y, Pang YX, Kong L-J, Subbaiah MV, Wen J-C, Reddy GM. Impregnation of magnetic - Momordica charantia leaf powder into chitosan for the removal of U(VI) from aqueous and polluted wastewater. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules. 2020, 149:127-139.

88. Li RH, Cui JL, Hu JH, Wang WJ, Li B, Li XD, Li XY. Transformation of Fe-P Complexes in Bioreactors and P Recovery from Sludge: Investigation by XANES Spectroscopy. Environmental Science & Technology .2020, 54 (7): 4641-4650.

89. Yan J, Ye WZ, Liang XS, Wang SJ, Xie JH, Zhong KQ, Bao M, Yang JB, Wen HJ, Li SG, Chen YH, Gu J-D, Zhang HG. Enhanced reduction of sulfate and chromium under sulfate-reducing condition by synergism between extracellular polymeric substances and graphene oxide. Environmental Research. 2020, 183: 109157.

90. Li KK, Li HS, Xiao TF, Zhang GS, Liang AP, Zhang P, Lin LH, Chen ZX, Cao XY, Long JY. Zero-valent manganese nanoparticles coupled with different strong oxidants for thallium removal from wastewater. Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering .2020, 14 (2):254-262.

91. Yuvaraja G, Zheng N-C, Pang YX, Su MH, Chen D-Y, Kong L-J, Mehmood S, Subbaiah MV, Wen J-C. Removal of U(VI) from aqueous and polluted water solutions using magnetic Arachis hypogaea leaves powder impregnated into chitosan macromolecule. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules. 2020, 148:887-897.

92. Sun J, Li N, Yang P, Zhang YP, Yuan Y, Lu XW, Zhang HG. Simultaneous antibiotic degradation, nitrogen removal and power generation in a microalgae-bacteria powered biofuel cell designed for aquaculture wastewater treatment and energy recovery. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. 2020, 45 (18):10871-10881.

93. Chen Z., Mahmud S., Cai L., He Z., Yang Y., Zhang L., Xiong Z. Hierarchical poly (vinylidene fluoride)/active carbon composite membrane with self-confining functional carbon nanotube layer for intractable wastewater remediation. Journal of Membrane Science.2020, 603: 118041.

94. Wang YQ, Yu WC, Cao Y, Cai YF, Lyi SM, Wu WW, Kang Y, Liang CY, Liu JP. An exclusion mechanism is epistatic to an internal detoxification mechanism in aluminum resistance in Arabidopsis. Bmc Plant Biology .2020, 20 (1): 122.

95. Huang Y., Chen D., Kong L., Su M., Chen Y. Aqueous two-phase systems (polyethylene glycol+ ammonia sulfate) for thallium extraction: Optimization of extraction efficiency, structural characterization, and mechanism exploration. Separation and Purification Technology.2020, 235: 115740.

96. Xie Y, Gao Y, Ren XM, Song G, Alsaedi A, Hayat T, Chen CL. Colloidal Behaviors of Two-Dimensional Titanium Carbide in Natural Surface Waters: The Role of Solution Chemistry. Environmental Science & Technology. 2020, 54 (6):3353-3362.

97. Zheng NC, Yin LY, Su MH, Liu ZQ, Tsang DCW, Chen DY. Synthesis of shape and structure-dependent hydroxyapatite nanostructures as a superior adsorbent for removal of U(VI). Chemical Engineering Journal .2020, 384: 123262.

98. Li Y., Li H., Liu F., Zhang G., Xu Y., Xiao T., Zhang P. Zero-valent iron-manganese bimetallic nanocomposites catalyze hypochlorite for enhanced thallium (I) oxidation and removal from wastewater: Materials characterization, process optimization and removal mechanisms. Journal of hazardous materials. 2020,386: 121900.

99. He Z., Mahmud S., Zhao S., Yang Y., Zhu L., Zhao Y., Hu C. . Hierarchically active poly (vinylidene fluoride) membrane fabricated by in situ generated zero-valent iron for fouling reduction. ACS applied materials & interfaces. 2020,12(9): 10993-11004.

100. Wang J., Zhou Y., Dong X., Yin M., Tsang D C., Sun J., Liu Y. Temporal sedimentary record of thallium pollution in an urban lake: An emerging thallium pollution source from copper metallurgy. Chemosphere. 2020,242: 125172.

101. Lin CY, Gong J, Zhou YS, Chen DY, Chen YH, Yang J, Li Q, Wu CQ, Tang HM. Spatiotemporal distribution, source apportionment, and ecological risk of corticosteroids in the urbanized river system of Guangzhou, China. Science of the Total Environment .2020, 706:135693.

102. Yuvaraja G, Chen D-Y, Pathak JL, Long JY, Subbaiah MV, Wen J-C, Pan C-L. Preparation of novel aminated chitosan schiff's base derivative for the removal of methyl orange dye from aqueous environment and its biological applications. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules .2020, 146: 1100-1110.

103. Li H., Chen T., Sun H., Wu X., Jiang X., Ren C. Functional characterisation of Holothuria leucospilota Fas-associated death domain in the innate immune-related signalling pathways. Innate Immunity. 2020,26(2): 138-145.

104. Rasool A, Xiao TF, Ali S, Ali W, Nasim W. Quantification of Tl (I) and Tl (III) based on microcolumn separation through ICP-MS in river sediment pore water. Environmental Science and Pollution Research .2020, 27 (9): 9686-9696.

105. Wu CL., Chen QH., Li XY., Su JH., He S., Liu J. Yuan,Y. Formation and characterisation of food protein–polysaccharide thermal complex particles: effects of pH, temperature and polysaccharide type. International Journal of Food Science and Technology. 2020,55(3): 1368-1374.

106. Zhang H., Zheng Q., Chen A., Long J., Chen D., Kong, L. Phosphate recovery from wastewater using sludge-derived carbon as ura-nium decontaminant. Desalination and Water Treatment. 2020,180: 309-316.

107. Li J, Duan QY, Wu Z, Li XD, Chen K, Song G, Alsaedi A, Hayat T, Chen CL. Few-layered metal-organic framework nanosheets as a highly selective and efficient scavenger for heavy metal pollution treatment. Chemical Engineering Journal .2020, 383:123189.

108. Wang Y, Zhong KQ, Huang ZY, Chen LY, Dai Y, Zhang HG, Su MH, Yan J, Yang SR, Li M, Xu T, Tang JF. Novel g-C3N4 assisted metal organic frameworks derived high efficiency oxygen reduction catalyst in microbial fuel cells. Journal of Power Sources.2020, 450: 227681.

109. Pang YX, Kong LJ, Chen DY, Yuvaraja G, Mehmood S. Facilely synthesized cobalt doped hydroxyapatite as hydroxyl promoted peroxymonosulfate activator for degradation of Rhodamine B. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2020, 384:121447.

110. Liu J., Yin M., Xiao T., Zhang C., Tsang DC., Zhou Y., Wang J. Thallium isotopic fractionation in industrial process of pyrite smelting and environmental implications. Journal of hazardous materials. 2020,384: 121378.

111. Liu J., Wei X., Zhou Y., Tsang DC., Yin M., Lippold H., Chen D. Thallium contamination, health risk assessment and source apportionment in common vegetables. Science of the Total Environment, 2020,703: 135547.

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