课程简介(英文): Environmental ecology is a new comprehensive subject which studies the internal change mechanism, law and effect on human beings of ecosystem by using ecological theory under human disturbance, and seeks countermeasure for the restoration, reconstruction and protection of the damaged ecosystem. This course focuses on the combination of the basic principles of ecology and practical application to study the interaction between biology and environment, and puts forward ecological ways to solve environmental problems. The interaction of human disturbance effects among different components in ecosystem was discussed. The behavior change and harm of pollutants in the ecosystem, ecological effects and their impact on human beings were also studied. Ecosystem damage was identified and protect and make rational use of natural resources to restore and rebuild the damaged ecosystem. In the meantime, the environmental pollution was controlled to solve the ecological damage by using ecological methods . |
教学目标与基本要求: 教学目标:通过课程的学习使到硕士研究生掌握环境生态学知识和了解国内外环境生态领域研究的动态和发展趋势。能够运用学到的知识分析人类与环境生态方面的深层次关系,并将这些知识运用在环境科学和环境工程领域。 基本要求:通过学习该课程,硕士研究生应该达到以下基本要求: 牢固掌握环境生态学的系统知识、环境生态学知识在环境保护中的应用以及生态环境质量监测与评价方法。 了解我国主要环境生态问题,通过案例分析将学到的环境生态学知识运用到解决实际问题中去。 通过环境生态学研究方法论的学习,进一步提升研究生科研能力与解决实际问题的能力。 |
教材及主要参考书目: 1.《环境生态学研究方法引论》, 刘静玲、杨志峰、曾维华著, 北京师范大学出版社, 2020年 2.《环境生态学》, 卢升高著, 浙江大学出版社, 2019年 3.《环境生态学导论》(第三版), 盛连喜著, 高等教育出版社, 2020年 4. Environmental Science and Ecology, Molly Ismay, Callisto Reference, 2018 5. Environmental Ecology, Bill Freedman, Academic Press, 1994 (Second Edition) 6. Environmental Science: A global concern, William P. Cunningham, Barbara Woodworth Saigo, Boston McGraw-Hill Higher Education, 2001 7. Environmental Geology, Carla W. Montgomery,McGraw-Hill Higher Education, 2000 |